Birchwood Lane
Client – Waikato District Council
Waikato District Council engaged CCS to complete works to extend Birchwood Lane, Tamahere. The first 800m of construction consisted of a 7.5m wide chip sealed carriageway which required the diversion of the existing Tamahere Drainage Board drain and considerable new culvert work. The remaining 300m of construction included the crossing of a gully, installation of a 1.8m diameter culvert and wing walls, and the construction of a 1200m2 mechanically stabilised earth fill. The carriageway in this section was formed to a subgrade level and a metal surface was applied for completion at a later date.
Due to the nature of the works and the environment in which they were in, it was imperative to prevent silt run off, especially in the gully area. The construction of the large culver and the MSE fill was completed without any siltation/erosion issue despite the wet autumn weather.